- Wat betekent taal voor jou?
A great deal. It’s
the focus of my research and also my livelihood, in that I run a
freelance editing and translation business alongside my PhD. Reading
and writing were huge parts of my life even as a kid.
- Wat vind je van spellingsregels?
People’s attitudes
to spelling are more interesting than the rules themselves. People
get themselves all tied up in knots when others use apostrophes
incorrectly, or in English if they mix up you’re
and your
or its and
It’s interesting how such details can spark such vitriol.
- Erger je je aan het taalgebruik van mensen?
My pet hate is when
people write in an obscure way, as if trying to cover up the fact
that they have nothing to say. You know those sentences with many big
words and little sense? You see this often among bureaucrats trying
to be officious, or academics who want to sound clever. As a
translator, you have to really scrutinise words and sentences to get
to the essence of the message, and this is when it becomes crystal
clear if there’s no substance.
- Waarom denk je dat mensen zich ergeren aan taalgebruik?
Good question. Many people
seem to enjoy posing as beacons of correctness, getting their
knickers in a twist about ridiculous things like split infinitives –
yet all they are actually doing is demonstrating that they are
- Je doet onderzoek naar hoe mensen in Nederland tegen het Engels aankijken. Wat verwacht je dat daar voor conclusies uitkomen?
I’m finding that
most Dutch people view English very positively. But at the same time,
they also view Dutch in a positive light. This suggests there’s
room in people’s lives for both languages – as English makes
gains in the Netherlands, this doesn’t necessarily mean losses for
Dutch, at least in terms of people’s attitudes. What’s also
striking is that my findings go against the common assumption that
the Dutch are uninterested in or complacent about language. I think
that as a nation the Dutch are inordinately excited by language –
Onze Taal is one of the largest language associations in the world,
after all.
- Wat is je lievelingswoord?
Gosh, that’s a
tough one. In Dutch, I’m going to be childish and say winkelwagon,
because to English-speaking ears it has such a cute sound. In English
I don’t have a particular favourite, but I go through phases where
I’m really into one word or the other. At the moment, inexplicably,
it’s adjectives like genuinely
and overly.
- Heb je een taalwens, en zoja, wat is het?
That prescriptivists
either wake up or keep quiet.
- Wier of wiens taalgebruik vind jij inspirerend?
I shamelessly try to
imitate excellent journalists, like the Economist
writers. Anyone who can write about complex subject matter in a clear
and engaging way has real skill.
- Welke taal zou je nog wel eens willen leren en waarom?
Arabic, Hebrew, Russian,
Thai – something with a different alphabet. But for now I’ll
stick to working on my Dutch!
- Ken je nog een leuke woordgrap, taalgrap of taalspelletje?
I went to a party
last week where everyone had to write down the name of a famous
person and put it in a bowl. You then pick a name out of the bowl and
try to get the others to guess who it is – but the clue you give
can only be one word. So for Ringo Starr, you might say ‘submarine’.
It can get really cryptic! But I also have a whole bunch of word
games that I entertain myself with if I can’t sleep. For example, I
try to name five countries for every letter of the alphabet. Luckily
I never make it as far as Q or X …
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